Refugee Foster Care
- Building families beyond borders.
- What We Do
Through CCS, unaccompanied refugee minors are placed in foster care homes and have the option to stay in the program until they turn 21. While in the program, a team of Family Consultants, Case Managers, and Transition to Adult Living Coaches work with foster families to help the youth reach their goals and prepare for long-term self-sufficiency.
- How We Do It
The Refugee Foster Care program offers clients a wide variety of services until they reach the age of 21. All youth receive the same services as children in Utah foster care. These services include receiving financial support, medical care, mental health treatment, case management, education and job training, legal and immigration assistance, and much more. Learn more about the teams providing support to foster parents and youth.
- Who We Help
Of the world’s 29 million refugees, nearly half are children. Seeking refuge in a new country is challenging no matter the circumstance, but seeking refuge as an unaccompanied minor comes with a unique set of challenges.

Program Details
- Location and Hours
3500 S Main Street, South Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Monday-Friday 8:30 am-12:00 PM; 1:00 pm-5:00 pm
- Eligibility Minors that are eligible for the program include refugees, asylees, special immigrant juveniles, and survivors of human trafficking.
- Contact
Kyle Mortensen, Program Manager
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(801) 674-7279