December 03, 2021

Over 200 Holiday Gifts Distributed to CCS Refugee Clients

Every year, with the help of generous donors, CCS provides holiday gifts for all our refugee clients under the age of 18 through an initiative called Gift of the Drummer. 

Our Case Managers first connect with the families in their caseload to create list of items the children in their family may need or want.  

Donors are then connected with a specific child and given their “Wishlist.” For example, a donor might receive a list for “Child #68, 7-year-old girl,” along with a list of her clothing sizes, toys she’d like, etc. Gifts range from clothes and shoes to toys and bikes! 

Donors then shop for those items and drop them off at Catholic Community Services office. Once the arrive, a team of volunteers sorts and wraps the gifts for each child. They are then delivered to each family just in time for the holidays. 

This year, 245 children will receive gifts through Gift of the Drummer. If you'd like to get involved and help wrap all 213 of those presents, sign up for a time here.

Thank you for all of the ways you've chosen to partner with Catholic Community Services of Utah this year. If you'd like more ways to get involved this holiday season, please explore the options below.

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Amazon Wishlist

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